Edwards Sluiters - Employment Lawyers
Employment Law Blog

What Are My Obligations As An Employer When It Comes To KiwiSaver?
Saving for retirement can be daunting, but KiwiSaver is a practical solution that can help employees set themselves up for the future…

The Dos and Don’ts of Christmas Closedowns
Tips for managing closedowns, public holidays, and employee leave this summer. With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, we thought it would be helpful to answer

Christmas Closedown Q&A
With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, we thought it would be helpful to answer some key questions that are often asked by employers at this

5 Must-Read Employment Law Updates
What you need to know about the latest developments in employment law New Zealand’s employment law is constantly changing whether as a result of new

Fair Pay Agreements – 5 Key Points to Know
The Fair Pay Agreements Act passed into law on 27 October 2022, and the bargaining framework for Fair Pay Agreements (“FPAs”) will come into effect

The 4 Types of Employment Agreements: What You Need to Know
Employment Agreements NZ If you’re an employer, it’s important to understand the different types of employment agreements that exist in New Zealand. This will help